Lena’s dream turned to reality

As a child, I think I was quite cheeky and self-confident, strong-willed and sporty. I always liked playing with other children and trying out lots of things.

I always wanted to study, do something with sports, start a family…. My biggest dream was to go to the USA for a year. That’s what I did in the 11th grade.
Actually, my parents were my role models. They were always a role model for me. They were always a role model for me.
qnd had an open ear m were very supportive by telling me that I was good the way I was, even when I doubted it.

I loved sports and music. I started gymnastics at an early age, and later basketball and other sports. Playing the piano also accompanied me for many years.
I loved sports and music. I started gymnastics at an early age, and later basketball and other sports. Playing the piano also accompanied me for many years.
I had many wonderful lecturers at university, but even now there are great coaches who are role models for me as well. My coach Anna, for example.
I have only been training with Anna for a short time, but she really pushes me and shows me that she believes in me and that it is important to believe in yourself.
I have achieved some minor successes in gymnastics and a promotion to a higher league in basketball… but through CrossFit I have found a sport again that I like to push myself into and let’s see what other successes I can celebrate there. But the greatest success in sport in my opinion, is when it contributes to your development and personality.

Besides my job as an athlete, I am a teacher at the University of Passau. I love working with people/children and teaching them things. Somehow I always wanted to do this.
The greatest value I would like to pass on to my students is motivation and authenticity .
Both my children like to move, especially climbing and running. Lotta is four and has just started gymnastics. Felix is six and plays football and tennis.
They only started the sports in the association last year and unfortunately they can’t do them due to the Corona.
My children are free to try a lot and also to decide. Nevertheless, I manage to set some limits.
I try to teach them values and try to show them that family is the most important thing, but that each person also has his own unique identity.

I hope I can inspire you a bit, stay focused on your dreams!

Lena Hirschmann

Mom of 2, Athlete and Sport teacher living in Passau Germany

Could you make a living out of your childhood dreams?
Share your story with the community.
Keep dreaming, Marie.

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